Nvu - A Tool for Novice and Experienced Webmasters

I suppose I am a little old school when it comes to writing html and css because I prefer to do it by hand. I use a decent programming editor with syntax highlighting and with tag helps, but I prefer to see the code. Not everyone is like me, so for those of you out there that are working on your own websites and are wondering what html editor you should use let me suggest you take a look at Nvu before going out and spending money on an expensive editor like Dreamweaver.

Nvu is available for Windows, Macintosh and Linux, offers an easy to use what you see is what you get (WYSIWYG) interface, has a built in css editor, is open source based on the Mozilla gecko engine and most important it outputs readable code! Nvu is a an excellent choice for those webmasters out there on a budget, or just want to get the job done.

I have also found Nvu an excellent tool to help clean up code from older websites that have unreadable html code. It can be a real time saver when you get a call from a new client that has an older website that just needs a small update done.

Nvu can be a real time saver for experienced webmasters and a great alternative for novice webmasters or webmasters on a budget. When you have time take a look at a great open source project.

Categories: web-programming